One of my attendings at UT, Knoxville used to say, “If you earnestly worry about something, it won’t happen.” It was generally taken as a joke to some when it was said. It was like the ‘cure’ to a difficult arterial line insertion was having someone else open another pair of sterile gloves. It is just.. read more →

Nursing Inservice Series: Safety and Risks
RN Inservice Series Safety and Risks from CPNB Consulting read more →

Another Team Player
“Everybody here has a voice…and you should listen!” I make this point over and over when I help to implement a CPNB Program. I will go on to say that even if those putting the catheters in place are the best in the world, the outcome of the CPNB Program will still have more to.. read more →

PACU Bypass
I have recently been inspired by one of my fantastic CRNA’s, Ashley Hayes, to begin bypassing the PACU, and it is kind of addicting, I have to say. I’ll go on record as saying that I know I broke one of my own rules of building up and preparing infrastructure in doing this, but.. read more →