This is an often overlooked nerve block for ankle and foot procedures. This furthest extension of the femoral nerve has no motor component. It serves sensory innervation to the medial aspect of the calf including the ankle and some degree of the medial aspect of the forefoot. It also has a small contribution.. read more →

Sartorius Muscle
SARTORIUS: FRIEND OR FOE? Sounds like a silly title, but it does describe how I feel about that muscle sometimes when I am performing a continuous block for a Femoral, Fascia Iliaca or Saphenous nerve block. I described last week how the Sartorius Muscle can frustrate your attempts at a Fascia Iliaca block... read more →

Fascia Iliaca Tips
THE TRIANGLE If there is a sweet spot for the Fascia Iliaca block, it is ‘The Triangle”. That’s what I have come to call it, anyway. This is not the ‘Femoral Triangle’ you were taught in medical school … REGISTER for FREE to become a SUBSCRIBER or LOGIN HERE to see the.. read more →