US-Guided CPNB for Sciatic Nerve Part 1: Popliteal
Ultrasound-Guided CPNB for Sciatic Nerve Part 1: Popliteal from CPNB Consulting read more →

Identifying the Subgluteal Sciatic Nerve
Let’s briefly go over how you should go about finding the sciatic nerve at the subgluteal position. First, patient positioning is important (so is yours, but ergonomics is a subject for another day). Having the patient pull their knee forward and flex at the hip will ‘tighten’ the tissue layers which will bring structures closer.. read more →

The subgluteal approach is where I first started blocking the sciatic nerve for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Since I usually performed the subgluteal sciatic nerve block as a single injection (and some of the extra steps for a continuous block could be omitted) after the continuous femoral block was already secured in place,.. read more →

I consider this block to be one of the basic blocks that should be learned early in the course of converting to ultrasound and continuous nerve blocks. Of the sciatic nerve blocks, it is the easiest to incorporate ultrasound (no matter your original approach or patient positioning), it is a superficial block which.. read more →

I think that this is the first nerve block that I have introduced on this website where I will not say “this is an easy block that you should start on early in your course of learning ultrasound nerve blocks”. Again, it will certainly come to you, but it is not the easiest.. read more →

I have done continuous blocks in the past for post-operative analgesia (and to mitigate the risks of persistent pain and phantom pain and a multitude of other potential benefits) for amputations and as the primary anesthetic for foot amputations and BKA’s many times in the past. I have more consistently been performing CPNB’s.. read more →

The ‘Right’ Way
WELL, THAT’S NEW TO ME… I have come in contact at more than one practice lately with an application for a block that I would not have thought reasonable before now. It is the use of a popliteal sciatic nerve block (as a single injection) for posterior knee pain for total knee arthroplasty. I.. read more →