Ultrasound-Guided CPNB for the Trunk Part 2: Patient Evaluation
US-Guided CPNB for the Trunk Part 2: Patient Evaluation from CPNB Consulting read more →
Ultrasound-Guided CPNB for the Upper Extremity Part 1: Interscalene & Supraclavicular
US-Guided CPNB for the Upper Extremity Part 1: Interscalene and Supraclavicular from CPNB Consulting read more →
One of my attendings at UT, Knoxville used to say, “If you earnestly worry about something, it won’t happen.” It was generally taken as a joke to some when it was said. It was like the ‘cure’ to a difficult arterial line insertion was having someone else open another pair of sterile gloves. It is just.. read more →
Nursing Inservice Series: Assisting with Nerve Blocks
Nurse Inservice Series: Assisting with Nerve Blocks from CPNB Consulting read more →
Nursing Inservice Series: Safety and Risks
RN Inservice Series Safety and Risks from CPNB Consulting read more →
Acute Pain: How We Treat Pain Really Matters
How we treat Acute Pain Really Matters from cpnbconsulting read more →